

Local cuisine culture

Mutton in Su Qian

Every city has its own temperament, time-honoured brand is most important for a city. Today we will introduce an old brand mutton of Su Qian City. Before the introduction, there is a history. Qian Long is a famous emperor of Qing dynasty. Some time he visited Su Qian, the peace view made him glad, he decided to have dinner here. The local officer ordered his chef cook mutton soup which made Qian Long very satisfied. Later the dish was presented as tribute to imperial household. 

Maybe you want to ask why the mutton is so attractive? The first mainly reason is environment. Xinyuan town is close to Hongze Lake, crossed Jinghang Canal and ancient Yellow River. Grass, climate, water...are good for the growth of goats. When you come to Xinyuan town, you should taste mutton according the order. Head, tongue, brain, eyes, frozen blood, meat, and other haslet.